The 7 Selfies of Snowstorm
Friends, ready your best duck faces. No concert is complete without some quality selfies.
The Bathroom Selfie:
Your night is just starting and you want some solid evidence that you looked HAWT before the
dancefloor transforms you into the sweating, drooping, red-eyed mess you will surely become before the night is over. Terrible bathroom lighting, but that’s what filters are for.
Does anyone still use bathrooms to actually, like, go to the bathroom?
The outfit-only shot:
You put enough work into this look, it deserves its own shot. And seriously, it’s a killer outfit and you wearing it is just adding beauty to Snowstorm’s festival space. So you’re welcome, other Snowstorm goers.
Good work should be acknowledged. That’s just basic fairness.
The way-too-many-people group selfie:
There is no way everyone is going to fit into this shot, but you try anyway. People should remember the night you introduced them to Chicago’s greatest EDM. Some of these elbows are probably strangers… You’re really struggling with where to aim… Will people notice if you crop everyone else out for your next profile pic?
Poor Jared Leto and his elegant man-bun.
The “check this place out” selfie:
Because Navy Pier will be unrecognizable, and no one’s going to believe you without photo evidence.
Nikhil Chinapa with his fans, in case you’re interested.
The too-cool-for-school face:
You want people to know that you’re having the good-hair-day of the decade, but you don’t want people to think you’re vapid. So you make a face. Ha. Perf. Now you seem like a down-to-earth techno chick. But who are we kidding? You look awesome.
“Waaat??? I’m making such a goofy face! But I mean, if you want to think I’m like, a total babe or something, then, yeah, okay, I guess you can do that.”
That pose that seemed like a good idea at the time:
You’ve maybe had a couple drinks… and it’s late and you’re back at your hotel, and you think you’re being “quirky”—you know, like Zooey Deschanel or something… You will regret putting this on Instagram tomorrow.
“Yeah, a fridge selfie! I’m pretty sure I’ll fit–I saw a kitten do this once on youtube.”
The bestie selfie:
Let everyone know that you’re at the party of the year with your main one. Together, you run the world. You’ll probably tag this one as #snowstormwitmybae or something similar. And you should probably throw in a heart emoticon somewhere in the description when you post it.
Because it’s not a party without her.
Can’t wait to see you and your selfies at Snowstorm this coming Saturday!!